We have purchased a Site Licence. How do I activate online access?

Please click here.

Please choose from the following two options depending on whether your institution already has an account on nature.com or not:

1) Your institution does not have an account on nature.com

If you are setting up your account for the first time, click on ‘Register Now’ and follow the instructions on each page. Please note that you should enter your License ID in full. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email.

2) Your institution does have an account on nature.com

If you already have an account with NPG, then enter your site administrator username and password. Once you have entered your details, click on the ‘Licenses’ tab to add your License ID. If at any point you need assistance, please contact our customer service and technical support department using the contact details below.

Please enter the IP addresses in the following manner:

Single address (proxy server): e.g.

As follows:


For consecutive ranges of addresses: e.g. - or 123.123.123-124.*

As follows:



As the site administrator, you will have access to monthly usage statistics for your institution. After logging onto your account 
here, go to the 'Statistics' tab and select the required links.

The login required for MPS Insight will have been emailed to the site license administrator.

Please contact the Customer Service team if you require a reminder of your MPS Insight login details.

For Customer Service and Technical Support please contact us using our Ask a Question
 facility or by the relevant details below:

UK/ROW: email - 
institutions@nature.com, tel: +44 (0)207 843 4759

USA: email: institutions@us.nature.com , tel: 1 -888-331-6288

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