What are the ISSN numbers of Nature Publishing Group journals?

An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique identifier, comprising of an eight digit number. Each Nature Publishing Group journal has such an identifier.

Nature: 0028-0836
Nature Biotechnology: 1087-0156
Nature Cell Biology: 1456-7392
Nature Chemical Biology: 1552-4450
Nature Chemistry: 1755-4330
Nature Climate Change: 1758-678X
Nature Communications: (online) 2041-1723
Nature Digest: 1880-0556
Nature Genetics: 1061-4036
Nature Geoscience: 1752-0894
Nature Immunology: 1529-2908
Nature Materials: 1476-1122
Nature Medicine: 1078-8956
Nature Methods: 1548-7091
Nature Nanotechnology: 1748-3387
Nature Neuroscience: 1097-6256
Nature Photonics: 1749-4885
Nature Physics: 1745-2473
Nature Protocols: 1754-2189
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology: 1545-9993
Nature Reviews Journals
Nature Reviews Cancer: 1474-175X
Nature Reviews Cardiology: 1759-5002
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology: 1759-4774
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery: 1474-1776
Nature Reviews Endocrinology: 1759-5029
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology: 1759-5045
Nature Reviews Genetics: 1471-0056
Nature Reviews Immunology: 1474-1733
Nature Reviews Microbiology: 1740-1526
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology: 1471-0072
Nature Reviews Nephrology: 1759-5061
Nature Reviews Neurology: 1759-4758
Nature Reviews Neuroscience: 1471-003X
Nature Reviews Rheumatology: 1759-4790
Nature Reviews Urology: 1759-4812
NPG Academic Journals
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica: 1671-4038 (online: 1745-7254)
American Journal of Gastroenterology: 0002-9270 (online: 1572-0241)
American Journal of Gastroenterology Supplements: 1948-9498 (online: 1948-9501)
Asian Journal of Andrology: 1008-682X (online: 1745-7262)
Blood Cancer Journal: (online) 2044-5385
British Dental Journal: 0007-0610 (online: 1476-5373)
British Journal of Cancer: 0007-0920 (online: 1532-1827)
Bone Marrow Transplantation: 0268-3369 (online: 1476-5365)
Bonekey Reports: (online): 2047-6396
Cancer Gene Therapy: 0929-1903 (online: 1476-5500)
Cell Death & Differentiation: 1350-9047 (online: 1476-5403)
Cell Death and Disease: (online) 2041-4889
Cell Research: 1001-0602 (online: 1748-7838)
Cellular and Molecular Immunology: 1672-7681 (online: 2042-0226)
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology: (online) 2155-384X
Clinical and Translational Immunology: (online): 2050-0068
Evidence Based Dentistry: 1462-0049 (online: 1476-5446)
EMBO Journal, The: 0261-4189 (online: 1460-2075)
EMBO Reports: 1469-221X (online: 1469-3178)
Emerging Microbes & Infections: (online): 2222-1751
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 0954-3007 (online: 1476-5640)
European Journal of Human Genetics: 1018-4813 (online: 1476-5438)
Experimental & Molecular Medicine: 1226-3613 (online: 2092-6413)
Eye: 0950-222X (online: 1476-5454)
Gene Therapy: 0969-7128 (online: 1476-5462)
Genes & Immunity: 1466-4879 (online: 1476-5470)
Genetics in Medicine: 1098-3600 (online: 1530-0366)
Heredity: 00018-067X (online: 1365-2540)
Horticulture Research: (online) 2052-7276
Hypertension Research: 0916-9636 (online: 1348-4214)
IBMS Bonekey:  (online): 1940-8692
Immunology and Cell Biology: 0818-9641 (online: 1440-1711)
International Journal of Impotence Research: 0955-9930 (online: 1476-5489)
International Journal of Obesity: 0307-0565 (online: 1476-5497)
International Journal of Obesity Supplements: 2046-2166 (online: 2046-2174)
International Journal of Oral Science: 1674-2818 (online: 2049-3169)
The ISME Journal: 1751-7362 (online: 1751-7370)
The Journal of Antibiotics: 0021-8820 (online: 1881-1469)
Journal of Exposure Analysis & Environmental Epidemiology: 1053-4245 (online: 1476-5519)
Journal of Human Genetics: 1434-5161 (online: 1435-232X)
Journal of Human Hypertension: 0950-9340 (online: 1476-5527)
JID Symposium Proceedings: 1087-0024 (online: 1529-1774)
Journal of Perinatology: 0743-8346 (online: 1476-5543)
Laboratory Investigation: 0023-6837 (online: 1530-0307)
Leukemia: 0887-6924 (online: 1476-5551)
Leukemia Supplements: 2044-5210 (online: 2044-5229)
Light: Science & Applications: (online): 2047-7538
Modern Pathology: 0893-3952 (online: 1530-0285)
Molecular Psychiatry: 1359-4184 (online: 1476-5578)
Molecular Systems Biology: 1744-4292
Molecular Therapy: 1525-0016 (online: 1525-0024)
Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development: (online) 2329-0501
Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids: (online) 2162-2531
Mucosal Immunology: 1933-0219 (online: 1935-3456)
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology: 1545-9993 (online: 1545-9985)
Neurophsychopharmacology: 0893-133X (online: 1470-634X)
NPG Asia Materials: 1884-4049 (online: 1884-4057)
Nutrition and Diabetes: (online) 2044-4052
Oncogene: 0950-9232 (online: 1476-5594)
Oncogenisis: (online): 2157-9024
Pediatric Research: 0031-3998 (online: 1530-0447)
Pharmacogenomics Journal, The: 1470-269X (online: 1473-1150)
Polymer Journal: 0032-3896 (online: 1349-0540)
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases: 1365-7852 (online: 1476-5608)
SciBX: Science-Business e-Exchange: (online) 1945-3477
Scientific American: 0036-8733
Scientific American Mind: 1555-2284
Spinal Cord: 1362-4393 (online: 1476-5624)
Translational Psychiatry: (online): 2158-3188
Vital: 1741-7503 (online: 1741-7511)

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