Can I be logged in on multiple computers/devices simultaneously?

A personal subscription allows just one user to gain online access at any one time. Therefore, it is important that you do not share your personal login details with third parties.

It also means that if you are logged in on one computer you will not be able to simultaneously log in on another computer. It is important, therefore, that when you finish a session you log out properly by selecting the 'Logout' button rather than just closing the browser using the 'X' button, otherwise may still recognise you as logged in for up to 30 minutes afterwards.

The ''Login/Logout' buttons are located in the top right corner of the page.

Academic institutions, research centers or companies should purchase a site licence which will enable multiple users to gain online access simultaneously. For further information please contact us through our Ask a Question facility or by using the relevant details to yourself below:

UK/Rest of World: e-mail -, tel: +44 (0)207 843 4759

USA: e-mail -, tel: 1 888 331 6288

Japan, South Korea, China: e-mail -, tel: +81 3 3267 8751

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