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Reset your forgotten password for SpringerLink, Springer.com, Springer Materials and AdisInsight

Your Springer account is shared across many Springer sites including SpringerLink (http://link.springer.com), Springer Materials (http://materials.springer.com), AdisInsight (http://adis.springer.com), and Springer.com (http://springer.com). Changing your password in any of these sites will change it for all of them. If you choose to reset your password through these following sites, please click on the first drop down below for the instructions. Or; if you prefer, you can reset your password from: https://www.springer.com. Please click on the second drop down for those instructions.

Instructions to reset password on SpringerLink, Springer Materials and AdisInsight 

1. Click on sign up / log in from any of these sites and you will see the screen below. Click on "forgotten password":

2. Upon clicking “forgotten password” you will receive the Reset my password screen:

3. Please then enter the email address you used when registering your account and we will send you an email which contains instructions for resetting your password.

Instructions to reset password on springer.com 

1. Go to: https://www.springer.com

2. Select "Login" from the top-right-hand side of the page.

3. From the "Login" drop down menu, choose "Manage Account" and this screen will appear:

4. Click on “Forgot Password” and this screen appears:

5. Enter your email address, and you will receive an automated message from "[email protected]". When you open the automated email, this notice will appear along with a link so you can then reset your password.

6. Finally, click on the link and you will be able to reset your password. Once you change and confirm your new password; this pop-up will immediately appear.

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