How to locate publishing contacts for all Nature journals including Nature

Instructions for Nature journal only 

If you are looking for publishing contacts strictly for the Nature journal, please contact us at either one of the email addresses listed below; depending on your concern.

If you have detected an error in Published Content, please send an email to: The Team will ensure the information you have shared with us is then directed to the appropriate colleague so it can be handled in the correct manner.

For all other queries on the list below, please send an email to:

  • How to submit a manuscript
  • Online submission concerns/issues/problems
  • Plagiarism or Conflict of Interest Complaints
  • Publication inquiries (Post-acceptance, pre or post publication)
  • Author complimentary copies

Instructions for Nature titled journals only 

The instructions listed below are for all Nature titled journals, with the exceptions of Nature and Academic Journals (non-Nature titled journals).

Click on menu from and select “View all journals”.  From the letter "N" section you will see all of the Nature titled journals listed. Example: Click on Nature Climate Change:

and this screen appears:

Click on The Menu Drop Down box and these options will appear:

Click on About this Journal and you will then see a list of options for the journal:

Click on Contact and the Editorial information is listed.

Please click here in order to help you determine whom to contact for your concern / question related to the Journal.

Instructions for all other Nature branded journals 

The instructions listed below are for all Academic Journals (non-Nature titled journals).

Click on menu from and select “View all journals”

Select the Journal title (example: Heredity):

On the Journal title page, click on Menu then select “Contact”:

You will then see the list of contacts and their address details:

Please click here in order to help you determine whom to contact for your concern / question related to the Journal.

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