What’s included in a subscription?

12 months of access to:

  • An online course in scientific writing and publishing (15 modules, approximately 15 hours learning)
    • Comprehensive coverage of the entire publishing process, from writing a paper to publication
    • Delivered by 36 editors from over 20 Nature journals
    • Designed for busy researchers with bite-size videos and activities that are ideal for a spare 5 minutes in the lab
  • "Ask our Editors": An opportunity for researchers to put their questions to Nature journal editors

Additional Nature Masterclasses training

Add to your subscription at any time by opting for:

  • Webinars: 90-minute webinars for up to 100 researchers at an institution. Learn more here.
  • Face-to-face workshops: one- to three-day workshops held on-site at institutions for approximately 25 researchers. Learn more here.

Please note that accessing Nature Masterclasses and completing the training in no way implies that any article written by delegates will be selected for peer review or accepted by a Springer Nature publication or any other publication. 

Nature Masterclasses does not and will not intervene in manuscript selection by journal editors. The editorial decisions of any journal editor are discretionary and based on the quality and suitability of a manuscript for that journal.

Nature Masterclasses does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the use of the training or service will result in publication of any particular paper or scholarly work.

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