Why am I not receiving the Nature Email Alerts I have registered for?

Nature email Alerts
Ensure your account is registered on nature.com

There are a number of things which may be preventing the emails from reaching you.


Firstly, for Journal Alerts, please log into My Account and check your Profile page to make sure you have entered your email address correctly and the Alerts page to review your Alert preferences - both links are highlighted on the banner below:

If it is a Nature Jobs Alert, please log into your Nature Jobs profile and check your email address correctly and your frequency preference on the Personal Info tab, and the job alerts which have been set up.
If these are all correct, the problem may be because your email system has a firewall which is preventing the emails from reaching your inbox. Please ask your institutional librarian or IT department to check this for you.
If you are using a webmail provider such as Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo, please check your junk folder and ensure you add @ealert.nature.com to your safe senders list.
If having completed these checks you are still not receiving the Alerts you are expecting, please complete our Contact Us webform and we will investigate the matter for you as quickly as possible.

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