Rights and Permissions

Springer has partnered with the Copyright Clearance Center to meet our customers' licensing and permissions needs.

Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® service makes it faster and easier to secure permission for the reuse of Springer content to be published in a journal (print/online), book (hardcopy or electronic), course pack, e-reserve, doctoral thesis, research project, magazine, newsletter, directory, newspaper, brochure/pamphlet, presentation, photocopies/hand-outs, on a website, or CD-ROM/DVD.

To use this service simply:

  1. Visit SpringerLink and locate the desired content;
  2. Then go to the article’s or chapter's abstract and click on “Reprints & Permissions" on the right-hand side of the menu (in the section "Other Actions") to open the order entry page from which you can request permission;
  3. Select the way you would like to reuse the content;
  4. Create an account if you haven’t already;
  5. Accept the terms and conditions and you’re done!

For questions about using the RightsLink service, please contact Customer Support at Copyright Clearance Center via phone +1-877-622-5543 or +1-978-646-2777 or email customercare@copyright.com.

NOTE: If you are the editor, author, or contributor of a new work/chapter/article, please select "Publisher" as the Requestor Type. After that you can select your publisher from the list. In case your publisher's name is not listed, please select "Not listed below" and then proceed with the further specifications.

For more information please check out the rights and permissions pages in our website: http://www.springer.com/gp/rights-permissions

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